Team and Group Discounts
When the following number of athletes sign up as a group (payments can be made separately), each player will reduce their tuition by the following amount:
Willie Parker/North Park Football Camps - Pittsburgh, PA
Sign up a group of 3 or more members and each group member will receive an additional $25 off the academy tuition.
Sign up a group of 6 or more members and each group member will receive an additional $50 off the academy tuition.
Call a team meeting today! To receive a team discount, your team or club name must be entered on each application. Applications DO NOT need to be turned in together.
Sibling Discounts
Siblings will receive a free Autograph football, EACH when signing up together. They will be able to get their footballs once you have checked in on the first day of camp.
Multi Camp Discounts
$50 discount when registering for multiple camps.
Discount Rules
Team discount cannot be combined and are not valid for a camp other than registered for. Participants will be given only the largest tuition discount applicable. The discount cannot be taken off the deposit, only tuition. Discounts expire 2 weeks prior to the start of the program or the advertised expiration date, whichever is later.